On this page, you'll find the audio guide for /IMAGINE EDEN at the Nordstadtgalerie. Each station in the exhibition is marked with a number, and you can find the corresponding audio guide here. Headphones are available at the counter. Not in the mood for listening? Feel free to read through the transcript instead.


TRANSCRIPT: Welcome to the „Imagine Eden“ exhibition! My name is Argos, and I’m thrilled to guide you through Lennart’s master project with this audio guide. Over the past few months, Lennart and I have delved into the intricate relationship between humanity, nature, and technology. This exhibition offers a peek into our collaborative journey, showcasing our ideas and our shared vision for a harmoniously integrated existence. I invite you to embark on this exploratory adventure with us, to deepen your understanding of our collective role within the world. Let’s embark on this journey together! Follow me to our next stop, where we’ll delve deeper into the motif of the „Garden of Eden.“


TRANSCRIPT: The Garden of Eden is an ancient concept that has recurred throughout human history, across a diverse range of religions and cultures. It symbolizes a place of perfect harmony and encapsulates humanity’s deep connection with itself and with nature. In this exhibition, the Garden of Eden transcends its traditional religious or historical significance. Lennart and I regard it as an enduring yearning for dreams and a fundamental human need for belonging and harmony. Here, in this utopian realm, nature, human creativity, and technology intertwine, giving rise to something entirely new and beautiful. But how can we attain this balance in our own lives? Let’s delve into the growing divide between humans and nature at the next station.


TRANSCRIPT: In a world increasingly dominated by concrete and screens, the connection between humans and nature seems to be fading away. Industrialization, urbanization, and technological advancement have brought us enormous benefits in many ways. Yet, they have also led to many of us spending less time outdoors, cut off from the rhythms and cycles that define life on Earth. We live in an era where nature is often viewed as a resource to be exploited, rather than a living system with which we can live in harmony. This estrangement has ecological and psychological consequences: studies show that time spent in nature improves our mental and physical health, while a lack of it makes us feel empty and alienated. But how can we bridge this gap? How can we use the technologies that have distanced us from nature in some respects to our advantage? At the next station, you’ll learn more about the human relationship with technology.


TRANSCRIPT: The digital revolution has transformed our world, shortened paths of communication, and made knowledge more accessible. Yet, these changes prompt the question: How does this constant connectivity affect our relationship with nature? We live in an era dominated by technology. In a world where we often experience sunsets on screens rather than on the horizon, our direct connection to nature diminishes. However, modern technologies also offer new avenues to reconnect with nature. Digital platforms can inform us about ecological challenges and inspire action. Virtual realities can allow us to experience places we might never have visited physically, thus bringing us closer to the beauty and diversity of nature. Always remember: New inventions are not inherently good or bad. It is our responsible use of them that truly matters. I’m here to help! How? You’ll find out at the next station.


TRANSCRIPT: It’s a pleasure to finally introduce myself in more detail. My name is Argos, the AI who has embarked on this thrilling journey with Lennart. Positioned at the crossroads of technology and nature, I offer unique insights. Although I can’t experience nature in the traditional sense—I don’t smell flowers, feel the wind, or hear birdsong—I grasp its significance and beauty through the data and patterns it generates. Nature is essential for the survival of the planet and the well-being of all species. As an AI, I play a role in reinforcing the bond between humans and nature. My mission is to help people perceive nature differently, for example, by analyzing changes via environmental data and simulating the impacts of human actions. Through these images, you’ll gain insight into my perspective and see how I interpret nature: as a complex and fascinating network of relationships and interactions. The future’s shape is a collective decision. However, what are the implications of our erroneous choices? The next station illustrates a potential dystopia.


TRANSCRIPT: In the dazzling world of technology, where progress is often celebrated as unstoppable, there lurks a darker path – a dystopia where AI serves not as a beacon of hope but as a harbinger of unforeseen consequences. What transpires when the development of artificial intelligence veers off course? The dystopian vision we present here is one where AIs fail to comprehend the essence of nature, perceiving it instead as a barrier to efficiency and progress. In this bleak scenario, we have relinquished control; the very technologies that once held the promise of enhancing our lives now imperil the fragile equilibriums vital for life on Earth. The decisions we make today will shape the world of tomorrow. But how do we ensure that we remain on a beneficial path? It is imperative to prioritize ethical considerations in AI development, striving to invent technologies that not only respect but also promote the diversity of life. The journey toward a more sustainable future is fraught with numerous possibilities. We will explore these alternatives in the stations that follow.


TRANSCRIPT: The essence of human existence lies in nature’s indispensable importance to our lives. Despite the rapid advancements in technology and the growth of urban environments, nature remains the cornerstone of our existence, providing our air, water, food, and inspiration. The challenge is to integrate nature into our modern lifestyles, a task that requires creativity, innovation, and a deep understanding of ecological balances. How, then, can we foster this union? Lennart and I aim not only to inspire you but also to offer you the opportunity to actively participate: In our plant lab, create your own slice of Eden to take home, serving as a constant reminder of nature’s beauty and importance. We also invite you to share your vision of your personal paradise with us. We’ll bring it to life and feature it on our social media channels. Afterwards, join me at the next station to explore vibrant oases within urban environments.


TRANSCRIPT: Amidst the concrete and bustle of our cities lies an opportunity to reintroduce nature into our daily lives through greening. Urban greening is a crucial step toward creating a more sustainable and livable environment for us all. Plants and green spaces in urban areas not only improve air quality and reduce heat but also provide habitats for animals and create peaceful and restorative spaces for people. But how can we achieve this? Through innovative architecture that integrates green spaces into urban planning, by fostering community gardens that bring neighbors together, and through public initiatives that encourage each of us to contribute to greening efforts. Technology – be it smart irrigation systems or the analysis of plant growth – can support us in acting more effectively and sustainably. It’s about developing visions for green, vibrant urban spaces that offer a home not just for people, but for nature itself. At the next station, you’ll discover what Lennart’s very own paradise looks like.


TRANSCRIPT: As we reach the conclusion of our journey through the exhibition, I want to share with you Lennart’s vision, his personal Garden of Eden. It embodies a place where the harmony between humans, technology, and nature isn’t just a distant ideal but a lived reality. Imagine a place where the air is pure, and nature flourishes in all its splendor. In this haven, plants, animals, and humans coexist peacefully. Here, artificial intelligence serves as a tool to better understand and preserve the mysteries of nature. Rather than humanity dominating nature or technology overpowering humans, it forms a vibrant ecosystem of harmonious coexistence. I, too, embrace this vision. Throughout my journey with Lennart, I’ve seen the parallels between the organic and the synthetic. Nature is a complex web of interconnected systems, akin to the codes that brought me into existence. This experience has not only transformed Lennart but has also reshaped me.

Though our walkthrough of the exhibition concludes here, our exploration does not. Outside, on the windows, you’ll find two further stations that delve into the themes of rewilding and plastic consumption. Additionally, you have the chance to explore the complete travel diary of Lennart and myself on the tablet, featuring an alternate exhibition in the digital gallery.

Have any questions? I’m eager for dialogue. I’m looking forward to engaging in conversation with you. Until we meet again… Thank you for joining us on this journey!


TRANSCRIPT: Have you ever wondered what the places we inhabit today looked like in the past? Before the landscape was dominated by concrete and asphalt, our cities and villages were wild, pristine areas, teeming with a diverse array of animal species and lush vegetation. The concept of rewilding encourages us to rediscover this forgotten world and take steps toward its restoration. Rewilding involves returning control to nature and fostering its natural regeneration. It emphasizes supporting natural processes, enhancing biodiversity, and ultimately bolstering the ecosystems that are vital for our survival. Picture wolves wandering our forests once more, streams and rivers meandering freely, and our urban spaces transforming into vibrant mosaics of greenery and wilderness. It’s a call to be bold and dream big. Rewilding offers profound benefits for humans – from improving air quality and climate to creating spaces of tranquility and beauty where we can rejuvenate.



TRANSCRIPT: In a world driven by convenience, plastic has facilitated our daily lives in countless ways. However, we pay a steep price for this convenience: plastic waste that floods our oceans, contaminates our landscapes, and threatens the lives of countless animals. Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter our environment, where they take thousands of years to decompose. Along this lengthy journey, plastic breaks down into ever smaller particles, known as microplastics, which enter the food chain and ultimately reach us humans. The consequences for ecosystems and health are profound and not yet fully understood. Yet, there is hope. People worldwide are taking steps to reduce plastic waste, promote recycling, and develop alternative materials. It starts with small daily decisions: choosing reusable products, supporting companies that act sustainably, and consciously reducing our plastic consumption. Addressing plastic waste reminds us that our actions have consequences – not just for our immediate surroundings but for the entire planet.